2,787 research outputs found

    Cascaded lattice Boltzmann method for incompressible thermal flows with heat sources and general thermal boundary conditions

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    Cascaded or central-moment-based lattice Boltzmann method (CLBM) is a relatively recent development in the LBM community, which has better numerical stability and naturally achieves better Galilean invariance for a specified lattice compared with the classical single-relation-time (SRT) LBM. Recently, CLBM has been extended to simulate thermal flows based on the double-distribution-function (DDF) approach [L. Fei et al., Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 120, 624 (2018)]. In this work, CLBM is further extended to simulate thermal flows involving complex thermal boundary conditions and/or a heat source. Particularly, a discrete source term in the central-moment space is proposed to include a heat source, and a general bounce-back scheme is employed to implement thermal boundary conditions. The numerical results for several canonical problems are in good agreement with the analytical solutions and/or numerical results in the literature, which verifies the present CLBM implementation for thermal flows

    Specificity Switching Pathways in Thermal and Mass Evaporation of Multicomponent Hydrocarbon Droplets: A Mesoscopic Observation

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    For well over one century, the Hertz–Knudsen equation has established the relationship between thermal – mass transfer coefficients through a liquid – vapour interface and evaporation rate. These coefficients, however, have been often separately estimated for one-component equilibrium systems and their simultaneous influences on evaporation rate of fuel droplets in multicomponent systems have yet to be investigated at the atomic level. Here we first apply atomistic simulation techniques and quantum/statistical mechanics methods to understand how thermal and mass evaporation effects are controlled kinetically/thermodynamically. We then present a new development of a hybrid method of quantum transition state theory/improved kinetic gas theory, for multicomponent hydrocarbon systems to investigate how concerted-distinct conformational changes of hydrocarbons at the interface affect the evaporation rate. The results of this work provide an important physical concept in fundamental understanding of atomistic pathways in topological interface transitions of chain molecules, resolving an open problem in kinetics of fuel droplets evaporation

    Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Multicomponent Porous Media Flows With Chemical Reaction

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    Flows with chemical reactions in porous media are fundamental phenomena encountered in many natural, industrial, and scientific areas. For such flows, most existing studies use continuum assumptions and focus on volume-averaged properties on macroscopic scales. Considering the complex porous structures and fluid–solid interactions in realistic situations, this study develops a sophisticated lattice Boltzmann (LB) model for simulating reactive flows in porous media on the pore scale. In the present model, separate LB equations are built for multicomponent flows and chemical species evolutions, source terms are derived for heat and mass transfer, boundary schemes are formulated for surface reaction, and correction terms are introduced for temperature-dependent density. Thus, the present LB model offers a capability to capture pore-scale information of compressible/incompressible fluid motions, homogeneous reaction between miscible fluids, and heterogeneous reaction at the fluid–solid interface in porous media. Different scenarios of density fingering with homogeneous reaction are investigated, with effects of viscosity contrast being clarified. Furthermore, by introducing thermal flows, the solid coke combustion is modeled in porous media. During coke combustion, fluid viscosity is affected by heat and mass transfer, which results in unstable combustion fronts

    Pore-scale simulation of miscible viscous fingering with dissolution reaction in porous media

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    Global climate change is happening but may be mitigated by the technology of geological carbon dioxide (CO 2) sequestration. To gain comprehensive insights into this approach, we perform pore-scale simulations of displacement between two miscible fluids in porous media using a new multiple-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann model. This study marks the first attempt to investigate viscous fingering dynamics in miscible displacement, considering the coexistence of viscosity contrast and dissolution reaction. Simulation results capture different fingering patterns that depend on dissolution (Damköhler number Da), diffusion (Peclet number Pe), and viscosity contrast (viscosity ratio R). From simulations of unstable viscous flows, dissolution is found to delay fingering onset, slow down fingering propagation, and inhibit or reinforce the late-stage fingering intensity. In simulations with stable viscosity contrasts, the displacement features fingering phenomena when dissolution is fast enough. In addition, we conduct a parametric study to assess the impact of Pe, R, and Da. The results suggest that increasing Pe or R destabilizes fingering, but increasing Da first suppresses and gradually intensifies fingering. Finally, for every fixed Da, we determine the phase boundary between stable and unstable regimes in a Pe-R phase plane. A unified scaling law is developed to approximate boundary lines obtained under different Da values. By comparing reactive and nonreactive cases, we classify four distinct regimes: stable, unstable, reactive stable, and reactive unstable. These pore-scale insights are helpful in understanding and predicting the displacement stability during the geological CO 2 sequestration, which is of importance to the pre-evaluation of the storage efficiency and safety

    Reactive sites on the surface of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon clusters: A numerical study

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    The surface growth of soot is a key process in its mass growth, depending crucially on surface properties. In this work, we directly extract the detailed surface properties, such as surface area, number density of reactive sites on a particle and parameter α, from the microscopic configuration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) clusters. Five representative PAHs, including pyrene (C16H10), coronene (C24H12), ovalene (C32H14), hexabenzocoronene (C42H18) and circumcoronene (C54H18), are used to build the model configurations of nascent soot. We develop a numerical scheme to determine the detailed surface properties based on the approximation of solvent-excluded surface. The assumption of spherical particles is found to introduce a large uncertainty in the estimation of the surface area, and the error can be a factor of 2.5 in the worst case. The number density of atoms or sites on cluster surfaces does not depend on the chemical composition of a particle larger than 2 nm in diameter, and our study indicates that the number density of hydrogen atoms is overestimated by a factor of 3 in the literature. Finally, we propose a new equation for parameter α, which includes the effects of the size of gaseous species in surface reaction, local temperature, particle size and chemical composition

    Multiphase cascaded lattice Boltzmann method

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    To improve the stability of the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) at high Reynolds number the cascaded LBM has recently been introduced. As in the multiple relaxation time (MRT) method the cascaded LBM introduces additional relaxation times into the collision operator, but does so in a co-moving reference frame. This has been shown to significantly increase stability at low viscosity in the single phase case. Here the cascaded LBM is further developed to include multiphase flow. For this the force term is calculated by the interaction potential method, and introduced into the collision operator via the exact difference method (EDM). Comparisons are made with the lattice Bhatnagar–Gross–Krook (LBGK) method, and an MRT implementation. Both the cascaded and MRT methods are shown to significantly reduce spurious velocities over the LBGK method. For the particular case of the Shan–Chen interparticle force term calculation with the EDM, the cascaded LBM is successfully combined with a multiphase method, and shown to perform as well as the more established MRT method. The cascaded LBM is found to be a considerably improved approach to the simulation of multiphase flow over the LBGK, significantly increasing the stability range of both density ratio and Reynolds number. Additionally the importance of including third order velocity terms in the equilibria of both the cascaded and MRT methods is discussed

    Cascaded lattice Boltzmann method with improved forcing scheme for large-density-ratio multiphase flow at high Reynolds and Weber numbers

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    A recently developed forcing scheme has allowed the pseudopotential multiphase lattice Boltzmann method to correctly reproduce coexistence curves, while expanding its range to lower surface tensions and arbitrarily high density ratios [Lycett-Brown and Luo, Phys. Rev. E 91, 023305 (2015)]. Here, a third-order Chapman-Enskog analysis is used to extend this result from the single-relaxation-time collision operator, to a multiple-relaxation-time cascaded collision operator, whose additional relaxation rates allow a significant increase in stability. Numerical results confirm that the proposed scheme enables almost independent control of density ratio, surface tension, interface width, viscosity, and the additional relaxation rates of the cascaded collision operator. This allows simulation of large density ratio flows at simultaneously high Reynolds and Weber numbers, which is demonstrated through binary collisions of water droplets in air (with density ratio up to 1000, Reynolds number 6200 and Weber number 440). This model represents a significant improvement in multiphase flow simulation by the pseudopotential lattice Boltzmann method in which real-world parameters are finally achievable

    Droplet impacting a superhydrophobic mesh array: Effect of liquid properties

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    Generation of monodisperse droplets by a large droplet impacting a mesh array is a common technique in microfluidic engineering, materials science, and drug production. Understanding the dynamic mechanism behind this is critical to controlling this process. This work uses a nonorthogonal multiple-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann (LB) method to simulate a droplet impacting a mesh array. By varying the droplet viscosity and surface tension, a comprehensive parametric study is carried out to investigate the influence of droplet properties on the dynamic process of droplet impact, penetration, and fragmentation. The results indicate that the inertial effect dominates the spread stage of droplet impact. At later stages, the viscous drag and surface tension act to prevent the spread of the droplet, which results in different maximum spreading diameters. The penetration of the droplet through the mesh initially leads to the formation of a liquid jet, the length of which is determined by the competition between the dynamic pressure and capillary pressure. Different jet breakup lengths are observed for various Weber numbers. The maximum spreading diameter and jet breakup length are predicted by an extended model over a wide range of liquid properties, in good agreement with the LB simulation results. An analysis is also conducted from an energy perspective. It is found that the surface energy significantly decreases after the fragmentation of the high-viscosity droplet, which is caused by the merge of satellite droplets after the jet breakup

    Modeling of biomass pyrolysis in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor: Impact of intra-particle heat conduction

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    Biomass fast pyrolysis in a fluidized bed reactor is studied numerically by a three-fluid model where the biomass thermal decomposition is introduced with multi-step kinetics. Different superficial velocities of fluidizing gas are defined to investigate the hydrodynamics of the fluidized beds and the consequent influence on the yield fractional distribution of end-products. Heat conduction inside particles is considered indirectly through modifying the rate constants of biomass reaction scheme. The simulation results show that superficial velocity has to be designed carefully based on balancing the char-removal efficiency and biomass heating up rate; compared to the experimental data, the modified reaction scheme can be employed to describe the intra-particle heat penetration, qualitatively, but the accuracy of predicting the end-product yields needs to be improved
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